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 /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
 //*** Configuration for "star" logo in front of interwiki links to Featured Articles
 //*** and green symbol in front of interwiki links to Good Articles
 /** set to false in Special:Mypage/monobook.js to switch off this "feature" */
 var linkFA_enabled  = true;
 /** description that is displayed when cursor hovers above FA interwiki links */
 var linkFA_description = " — Enen äxzelänten Artikkel!";
 var linkGA_description = " — Jooden Artikkel!";
 // linkFA_bullet/linkGA_bullet and linkFA_style/linkGA_Style werden nur für cologneblue, nostalgia and standard verwendet,
 // für monobook und simple siehe [[MediaWiki:Common.css]]
 /** image to use instead of the standard bullet (for cologneblue, nostalgia and standard */
 var linkFA_bullet = "//chped.net/https/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Monobook-bullet-star-transparent.png";
 var linkGA_bullet = "//chped.net/https/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/Monobook-bullet-star-gray.png";
 /** style to use for the linkFA_bullet/LinkGA_bullet img */
 var linkFA_style = "margin-right: 0.2em;";
 var linkGA_style = "margin-right: 0.2em;";
  * star logo for featured articles in other languages,
  * see Template:Link_FA / Template:Link_GA and MediaWiki:Common.css
 $(function() {
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    if (!linkFA_enabled) return;
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                decorate(links[j], "-fa", linkFA_bullet, linkFA_description, linkFA_style);
                decorate(links[j], "-ga", linkGA_bullet, linkGA_description, linkGA_style);
    /** id necessary, modify a link to show the FA- or GA-star (older) */
    function decorate(link, idSuffix, bullet, description) {
        var lang    = link.title.split(":")[0]; // not precise enough
        var fa      = document.getElementById("interwiki-" + lang + idSuffix);
        if (!fa)	return;
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		// decorate the link with the image
		link.setAttribute("title", description);
 // END